A selection of our recent projects is included below.
Stolkertsijverbrug (2013-2015)
Renovation of Existing steel truss bridge in Suriname. The existing bridge comprises 3 trusses of 50m span. The strengthening consists of an external Arch structure, a new steel-concrete deck an local reinforcements. Prolusion was responsible for the design and the preparation of the FIDIC Contract.
Wastewater Treatmant Plant Hospital Albina, Suriname (2015):
Prolusion BV was hired to advise and prepare the specifications for a WWTP for a newly to be built Hospital in tropical Climate.
PLUIT CITY Training Works (2015)
This project comprises a water barrier in the Sea just off the Coast of Jakarta, Indonesia. The barrier is used to divert used cooling water from onshore. Prolusion was hired as an advisor for the structural design and also responsible for the fatigue and seismic design.
N261 (2013-2014)
Prolusion was hired to participate in the design team of a road project of approx. 25 km and 20 viaducts/ tunnel by BAM. The responsibilities were guiding the engineers and draftsmen, and investigate the vibrations of pedestrian viaducts and also the fire resisting design of a small tunnel.
Fly Over 24 Oktoberplein (2012)
Prolusion was hired to be in charge of lead engineering of this complex structure consisting of steel-concrete composite supports and prestressed concrete decks, with an average span of 40m.
Gooise bridge (2012):
Prolusion was hired to be in charge of the project and design management for a slender pedestrian bridge with a single span of 20m. The bridge was the first to be constructed in prestressed, fibre reinforced Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC). Because of it's innovative nature, the project won the Dutch National Concrete Award 2011 and the European Concrete Award 2012.
A12 Poort van Bunnik (2012)
Prolusion was hired as members of the Design Team for this DBFM project, comprising the widening of 30 km of Highway and the construction of 25 viaducts and ecoducts and a tunnel.
Finger Pier VOPAK (2010),
Prolusion was hired by Arcadis BV to act as Design Leader for a finger pier jetty of 240 m to be build in Groningen for Groningen Seaport. The jetty will be used for oil transport.
Rijnhaven brug Rotterdam (2010)
Prolusion was hired by the Municipality of Rotterdam to participate in the Design team for a pedestrian movable steel bridge to be build in Rotterdam.
Phosphate Terminal JPMC, Aqaba, Jordania (2009)
Prolusion was hired by Royal Haskoning to assist in preparing the contract documents according to FIDIC standards (Silverbook) for the Port Terminal for the export of Phosphate. The specifications for the onshore civil part were prepared.
Palm Jebel ali Iconic Bridge Dubai (2008)
Part of the prestigious 2nd Palm Island project in Dubai, a royal entrance to the Island was foreseen in the form of a Cable Stayed Bridge. Prolusion was hired by the Municipality of Rotterdam and Royal Haskoning to help out in the design of the Bridge, with special attention on the seismic aspects, and the fatigue of the bridge deck. Due to financial problems in Dubai, the completed tendering activities were ceased.
Rotterdam Central Station (2007)
Prolusion was hired and responsible for the complete review and detail calculations of the steel roof structure of the new terminal for the High Speed Link, trains and subway.