Who we are
Prolusion BV is a young and dynamical firm. This is mainly due to the fact that we, the designers and advisors have not gotten stuck in our behaviours. Even if we do not have a lot of grey hair yet, we still have the experience and knowledge needed to complete every civil engineering project successfully.
Our vision
Back in the college days we already knew that the company would some day be a fact. We realized that we need not hurry either, because we believe that one needs to master the craft first before being able to sell it successfully. On Jan 1st 2007 Prolusion BV Engineering Consultants was founded and we have been working on interesting and challenging projects ever since.
Why us?
Just like any other engineering company we also point out that we are the best. But what makes us stand out really?
How many firms do you know where the advisors are not just passing through company knowledge but are truly capable of analyzing a problem to the core and subsequently solving it with creative, practical and cost-effective solutions?
- How many companies do you know that do not consider the project isolatedly but as part of the bigger plan?
Well offcourse we know just one firm...
Our method
Our way of working is characterized by the term "constant improvement" (the famous Japanese "kaizen" principle) which to us means that:
We try to understand and execute each project better the the previous one;
We try to learn from our mistakes and do not blame colleagues for doing so (not that we make a lot of them);
Within a project we work in the following steps;
Preparing the Program of Requirements in association with the client;
If necessary, subdivide the project in subsystems;
Generation of different alternative solutions;
Preparation of concept documents and submitting to the client;
After comments finalization of the documents and project;
Evaluation of the project and anchor the learned points in the organization.